Harriet tells what it’s really like to live in France

So many of us dream of living in France! Champagne! Foie gras! Grand museums, charming villages, Paris!

Oh yes, it’s all that and much, much more. Don’t forget the French people and the French language in all that is different. Cultural differences and the language are THE most important things to try to understand when you live in any foreign country.

In this podcast, I share what I have learned during almost a half a century (gasp!) of living in France. It is long – 57 minutes – but you can dip in and out – so if you are truly interested in going beyond surface impressions and finding out what it is like to really live longterm in the country of your dreams, please tune in – and enjoy!

You may decide you prefer “just to visit” and that is fine. You may stick to your dream of making France your home. That is a serious decision and listening to a podcast like mine – as well as the other episodes in this series with people who have lived the dream – would be, I hope, both entertaining and a reality check.

Now, make yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, listen and enjoy! https://www.yourfranceformation.com/2020/12/30/episode-Thanks

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